2011年8月21日 星期日


eigenart is a magazine, which is published by udk Berlin,
the content includes culture, art, project, or all kinds of creation.
few months ago, the editor Claudia Dorfmüller told me that,
they have a new project in their new issue,
they want to collect some slogans, or well-known sayings,
and try to make some connections between art works and the words,
it's a really fascinating idea,
nevertheless, due to i am still trying hard to learn Deutsch,
some parts of the sentences of my pics are still difficult to understand,
anyway, then,
it becomes a good excuse to study harder.  

below is the link of eigenart online, where you can surf the all magazine :

the flamethrower and the attacking action in the distance, 2009
the ceremony of burial, 2010

2011年8月4日 星期四

_Z . A : B . B

b. b ( balloon bomb ) ,
they use balloons to make weapons,
not only to save money, but also save a war.

due to the distance,
we start to make works through internet,
allan also show me the sketches 
by the sharing of screen,
i could see the blur indesign program,
and the face of myself in skype. 
i guess the communication 
will be more and more harder then before, 
the feeling is still good, 
to do something with friends.

2011年7月21日 星期四


    "rundgang" is a year exhibition in udk,
    there were so many people during three days.
    the opening party was the most crazy one i have ever been.

    i finished a new pic before the exhibition,
    and the sausage in the painting is so cute,
    however, the image is not clear enough,
    thus i tried to make a real "sausage missile",
    and also it's Supply Vehicle.

    hope one day,
    i can also build the sausage u - boat,
    it will be extremely wonderful to put them together.

2011年6月12日 星期日


"die leistungsschau"is a very cute little exhibition in "kunsthalle",
the place was the studio of the weißensee sculpture apartment,
now becomes the space for young artist to create some crazy ideas.
below i attached the information about the exhibition,
and also the introduction of "kunshalle".

"die leistungsschau"
convener : Tillmann Lange
10.06 - 30.06.2011
Hamburger Platz, 
Gustav-Adolf Straße 140, 
13086 Berlin

about "kunsthalle"  { deutsch }
Die Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz ist eine ehemalige DDR-Kaufhalle, die von der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee 10 Jahre als Atelier der Bildhauereistudenten genutzt wurde. Mit Bezug eines Atelierneubaus auf dem Campus der KH Berlin Weißensee wird das Gebäude seit Ende letzten Jahres als Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsort genutzt, um eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem Kunststudium und der Arbeits- und Lebenspraxis als freiberuflicher Künstler zu erproben. Sie wird zur Zeit unter Leitung der beiden Gastprofessoren Thaddäus Hüppi und Markus Wirthmann temporär betrieben und für eine langfristige Nutzung konzipiert. Die Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz ist eine Initiative der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee.

2011年6月5日 星期日


"z.a" is temporary abbreviation of "zine arbeiten", 
will become very lovable comics in the future, i hope.
berlin makes people slower,
slowly walk, slowly think, slowly slowly..
thus provides us more time to figure out,
how can we adjust the world,
adjust your world, my world, his world.
we begin to use image, try to tell some stories,
adjust the way to depict,
we talk, we laugh, perceive,
everything will becomes extremely interesting,
i hope.  

2011年4月28日 星期四


"bridges and barriers" is my first exhibition in berlin,
which i showed one painting and sixteen sketches.
of course i'm really unsatisfied with my works,
they are not prepared enough, 
however, the display still helps me in a sense,
defects can be seen more clearly,  
hope everything will be better next time.
in addition, because of the exhibition,
i have a chance to be more familiar with the people in the school,
and shared a very wonderful time together.
following i attached the information of the exhibition :

"Bridges and Barriers"
Klasse Charlie Stiven, Edinburgh & Klasse Thomas Zipp, Berlin
20.04. - 29.04.2011
Eröffnung: Mittwoch 20.April 2011, 18 Uhr
Universität der Künste
Hardenbergstrasse 33
Berlin - Charlottenburg
Mo-Sa 10-19 Uhr

an Feiertagen (Ostern) geschlossen.   

2011年3月24日 星期四


have noticed this ship since many months ago,
this night, we made up our mind to do something.
some one told me, the ship was a movie theater,
it is really hard to image how people saw films inside this small room,
however, the space is still amazing,
it was a extremely unforgettable adventure.
i am still keen on adventure.