2011年4月28日 星期四


"bridges and barriers" is my first exhibition in berlin,
which i showed one painting and sixteen sketches.
of course i'm really unsatisfied with my works,
they are not prepared enough, 
however, the display still helps me in a sense,
defects can be seen more clearly,  
hope everything will be better next time.
in addition, because of the exhibition,
i have a chance to be more familiar with the people in the school,
and shared a very wonderful time together.
following i attached the information of the exhibition :

"Bridges and Barriers"
Klasse Charlie Stiven, Edinburgh & Klasse Thomas Zipp, Berlin
20.04. - 29.04.2011
Eröffnung: Mittwoch 20.April 2011, 18 Uhr
Universität der Künste
Hardenbergstrasse 33
Berlin - Charlottenburg
Mo-Sa 10-19 Uhr

an Feiertagen (Ostern) geschlossen.   

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