2011年8月21日 星期日


eigenart is a magazine, which is published by udk Berlin,
the content includes culture, art, project, or all kinds of creation.
few months ago, the editor Claudia Dorfmüller told me that,
they have a new project in their new issue,
they want to collect some slogans, or well-known sayings,
and try to make some connections between art works and the words,
it's a really fascinating idea,
nevertheless, due to i am still trying hard to learn Deutsch,
some parts of the sentences of my pics are still difficult to understand,
anyway, then,
it becomes a good excuse to study harder.  

below is the link of eigenart online, where you can surf the all magazine :

the flamethrower and the attacking action in the distance, 2009
the ceremony of burial, 2010

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